Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Nothing like spring break to make me think of spring cleaning...when else can I justify spending time ripping up old receipts and getting ready for free shred day this weekend?

In the last few weeks I also had my fancy Mac laptop break--it won't turn on anymore. So I hooked up my late father's old PC from 2003 or so, and bam, it still works okay. It's a bit slow and you can hear it working and chugging along, but while I am waiting for the warranty repair, at least I have something to use. Hoarders 1, Relentless Cleaners, 0. If I had chucked this big old desktop, I'd be at the library or YMCA using their computers, and the last time I resorted to that, I swear I got ringworm or some nasty rash on my wrist. Yuck. So perhaps it's okay to hold onto a few essential back up machines, i.e. computers. But not 10, okay?

After dusting off this old computer, the CD-writer drive decided to start working again. (My slick new laptop does not have a DVD/CD drive, which is pretty lame, Steve Jobs.) Another reason I am glad to have the old one. I'm one of the few folks who doesn't have an iPod, so I was stuck when the old PC's CD-burner broke and my laptop was the only way to listen to downloaded music. I guess just cleaning your computer--literally getting rid of dust--can be a cure.

Other spring cleaning tasks I've done:
Wiped down washer and dryer
Cleaned behind toilet and cleaned floor (Thanks, Fly Lady missions!)
Washed mattress cover and allergy pillowcases

I still need to do the normal life stuff (dishes, etc.), but I like the extra sense of accomplishment of spring cleaning. Not a way to spend an entire break, but it's satisfying to know I have the time. I even have the windows open to air out the house--aren't they always talking about "airing out rooms" in British period pieces? Well, I recommend it for your spring cleaning--it goes along with the sense of freshening up the place. 

We'll see how much spring cleaning gets done this week...

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