Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Free Local Shred Day

I am not familiar w/ this location, but it might be time to venture out and get the shredding done. 

Info below:

The Austin chapter of ARMA along with Balcones Shred are sponsoring the 8th annual Free Fall Shred Day on Sat, Nov. 6, 2021 from 8am – 1:30pm.  The event will be held at the Balcones Shred Facility (9301 Johnny Morris Rd, Austin TX). https://www.austinarma.com/Shred-Day


Local and CDC Covid guidelines will be followed during this event, including masking and social distancing. This will be a drive-thru event and no member of the public will be allowed to stop, exit their vehicle to witness the shredding as they’ve done in the past. This is to limit interaction with others. The safety of our partners, volunteers, and the members of the public coming to the event are a priority and we will do everything we can to ensure everyone’s safety. This event is subject to cancellation depending on the situation with the Covid pandemic. Please be sure to check our website for the most up to date information.


Only dry paper packed in cardboard boxes no larger than 24 x 24 x 36 inches with fitting lids will be accepted (securely closed box flaps are also acceptable). Please do not bring hard plastics, plastic bags, electronic media, batteries, or three-ring binders.


All the shredded material and cardboard boxes are recycled.  Monetary donations will be accepted at the event with 50% going to the Austin ARMA chapter and 50% going to Operation Turkey, an organization that provides warm holiday meals to families in need.


For additional information about Shred Day, what can be shredded and how it should be prepared, please visit www.austinarma.com.  If you have any questions, please email Austin ARMA at austinarmachapter@gmail.com or leave a message for a return call at (512) 937-3347.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Some recommendations for your current decluttering...

 I haven't posted in ages--hello, pandemic!--but I definitely saw how when things got stressful, my clutter became all the more visible. I've found some positive and kind declutter experts to recommend if you're reading this. 

The asynchronous Take Your House Back Course gives you a year's access to three ladies' videos, and they know their stuff! I most relate to author Dana K. White who runs her own site, A Slob Comes Clean. They also do Facebook Live events if you want a sense of interaction or live events. I also found minimalism scary or judgement for years, but their resident minimalist Dawn Madsen makes it understandable and not scary. I'm not at that level of decluttering, but she definitely helped me get rid of a lot of random stuff in my kitchen--I had a pressure cooker I never fully used but inherited, along with a random silver tray that went with an already-departed bacon press (?!). 

I just started a good read on Kindle that deals with emotions and guilt--it's called 
Decluttering as Yourself: A Book for People Who Feel Guilty About Their Clutter (The Declutter Bits Series) by Wendy Wiseman. 
It has a bit of colorful language, but so far I really like how she addresses that being tidy does not make one morally superior, etc. (I've met a couple very judgmental tidy people and got why she addressed that.)

I hope you are healthy and well! 💜