Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lent Status Update

Thus far my facebook fast is going pretty well, though there were a few days this week where I felt like Cathy, the girl in the comic strip, freaking out with little drops of sweat flying around while wishing I could log on. I have stuff to say, and it's tough when you don't get to throw it into a status update when that's been the norm. Ugh.

But for the most part, it's been a nice break. It's peaceful to not have a stream of photos scrolling by multiple times a day. Also, I never know what all I will find on there Sunday (the feast day when I can check it.) I feel like I am getting away with eating lots of candy on Sundays. I also confess I had to sneak peeks sometimes--I needed a mailing address for a friend, etc. It's hard to cut it off completely, so I am not totally legalistic about it.

Thankfully, life goes on...I do stuff. I see people. The weather has turned sunny. And of course I have event invites emailed so I'm not really missing out. I hope no one thinks I am shunning them but remembers I am not on there much right now. I am probably a bit more productive. I still have a lot on my to-do list and not enough time (or I feel that way), but there isn't this constant option of checking in. If only I wanted to compulsively clean my kitchen with the free time!

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