Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pushed over the Edge

Amongst some decluttering projects and testing for a gluten allergy, this has also been a summer of working out with friends. Somehow this was the summer I lucked out in having not one but two workout buddies who are members at my gym. I hadn't had a workout buddy since, oh, about a decade or so ago, so I felt extremely grateful. Had it not been for a younger friend, I would have never tried Zumba or Body Pump. I had fun, but I am also proud to say this week I was able to fit into an old pair of capris for the first time in a year. I haven't lost tons of weight, but the 5 or so pounds I've lost have made a difference, and I have more muscle than before.

I've learned that gaining too much weight is a serious bummer when it comes to shopping. (I'm not talking a few pounds and still staying in a healthy range. I'm talking about reaching a size when you know you are out of shape and your body fat percentage is too high. See Gaiam's body fat guide.) I hovered around the same size for three or four years, and then BAM, my lack of regular exercise caught up to me in a major way. In my 20s I couldn't conceive of getting a muffin top. Now I understand that for some women, it's a serious battle to keep off the abdominal fat. And not just for cosmetic reasons--Dr. Oz and friends warn that abdominal fat is the worst kind. But getting back to clothes--shopping is a lot harder when you're trying to hide newly acquired weight, and it's frustrating to not be able to buy what would have been a flattering, easy purchase in the past. My options were getting too limited!

I've thought "I'll get in good shape again" over the last few years, but my frustration shopping and then my listening to a podcast helped push me over the edge into taking my fitness seriously. I decided to listen to a podcast of No Excuses Workout, an exercise program that's part of the Fly Lady community. The host Jonathan Roche is extremely positive, and while the show can get repetitive, one of his cohosts said something about how the "teammates" needed to make health and exercise a top priority in their lives. Simple idea, but it clicked for me that I needed to make working out a top priority in my life. Now. I was seeing the frustrating and unhealthy results of hoping that a bit of yoga and strength training would somehow carry me through and keep my metabolism running high enough.

My excuses or gripes had been that the gym was boring and that a foot injury was keeping me from dance classes. But turns out I was lucky to have friends to work out with this summer, so they helped me keep showing up. And while they might not always be so available and our schedules might not match up so well forever, I did get used to the gym and now want to go because I feel better. I'm in the habit and excited to finally see the results of my consistency. And I also have new respect for the people I see who are in good shape--for a lot of them, it takes work and routine. I admire that persistence. I finally feel enough motivation to get out there and join them, even if I use the smaller weights and am slowly working up to my old fitness level. (Not high school fitness, people.) I'm happier for having gotten back in the habit. And I had no idea fitness would end up being a highlight of my summer.

As an aside, I'll add that one of the most interesting shows I saw this year was The Truth About Exercise with Dr. Michael Mosley. Apparently some people have the right genes for getting in shape by doing a few short bursts of intense exercise (as in a few minutes each week!). It'd be nice to know if I fit into that group! I'm thinking not, though...

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